Saturday, March 28, 2009

X-Mal Deutschland - Incubus Sucubus

And now for something completely different.

X-Mal Deutschland - Incubus Sucubus

This is a rather unusual piece for me to be posting, but oh well. This is X-Mal Deutschland. You pronounce the X-Mal simply "ixmal" for those curious as well. Further, what we have here is gothic rock. None of that fake goth crap people call goth, nope. This is real 100% goth music that goths used to, and should still, listen to.

This however isn't an album, rather one of the first 12" releases by this all-girl goth group back in 1982. and I must say, for a 3 song 12", this is fucking fantastic. Then again, why else would I post this?

Frankly this is so small there is no reason to not download this and give it a listen. So fucking do it!


1. Incubus Succubus
Zu Jung Zu Alt
Blut Ist Liebe

Highly recomended!


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