Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Celeste - Misanthrope(s)

Looks like a black metal cover doesn't it?

Celeste - Misanthrope(s)

Seriously now. Lets analyze this. The album cover depicts a very old statue that appears religious in nature, likely giving an expression of sadness. Below is album title, Misanthrope(s) and an updside down cross. Who wouldn't think this was anything but black metal?

But nope, this isn't black metal. This is actually a really nice merging of sludge, and, strange as it will sound, screamo. Think of the band Envy, but add in some crushing sludge riffing. To say this album is completely without black metal influence would be a lie though. You can definitely hear some faint black metal influence in here but that is all it is, a faint influence.

Either way though, I highly recommend this for fans of sludge, screamo as well, but will also recomend it for black metal fans since there is some notable black metal influence, and even riffing that can be heard, faint as it is.


1. Que des yeux vides et séchés
2. Comme pour leurrer les regards et cette odeur de cadavre
3. Toucher ce vide béant attise ma fascination
4. La gorge ouverte et décharnée
5. Il y aura des femmes à remercier et de la chair à embrocher
6. Mais quel plaisir de voir cette tête d'enfant rougir et suer
7. Une insomnie avec qui tout le monde voudrait baiser
8. A défaut de te jeter sur ta progéniture
9. ...Anesthésié vos membres dans une orgie d'enthousiasme


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